Our Programming

Addressing Basic Conflict provides expert social-emotional learning, conflict resolution, pre-mediation and mediation training for kids (generally for ages 8 - 12) and the adults in their schools and communities to proactively address successfully manage dispute resolution.

With simple tools, endearing characters, and interactive games, Addressing Basic Conflict makes the skills utilized by the best mediators accessible, memorable and fun. Like mediators, students learn to effectively communicate, identify issues, reframe problems as goals, facilitate exploration of solutions, and make thoughtful, logical choices.

In addition to teaching essential life skills, Addressing Basic Conflict provides insight and customized tools to communities as we help children identify and proactively address the issues they find most important. Whether it’s showing kindness to other students or helping those in need, children are empowered to work together to serve their community and find solutions that work for them. Meanwhile, adults learn how to support kids in making good decisions.

We utilize best practices and supports social and emotional growth, engaging communities, families and caregivers, schools and classrooms in growing the five CASEL core competencies: self-awareness, self-management, responsible decision-making, relationship skills and social awareness. And, because every child, program and school is unique, special and capable, we take the time to understand and highlight existing resources and frameworks that are already working for you!

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Youth Objectives

-Building character, critical thinking, communication and mediation skills individually and as a community

-Enhance ability to understand and address conflict and make thoughtful choices using evidence based tactics

-Foster excitement and encourage compassion with regard to problem solving

-Utilize information collected from students to enhance understanding of issues impacting the community-both inside and outside of the classroom.

-Normalize community and group thinking as a means of resolving problems and achieving goals 

-Aid children in creating relevant and visual reminders of solutions to common problems

-Build a foundation for continued and consistent conflict resolution and problem-solving.

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Educator Offerings

-Educator and administrator consultation and support before and after classroom engagement.

- Provide educators with an understanding of conflicts impacting children in their classrooms.

-Classroom observation of ABC instructors.

-Whole school professional development.

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Caretaker and Community Offerings

-Provide framework for use of ABC tools in home and community.

            -Caretaker and community professional development and education courses.
